
Pink Signature Rose 
Available in Red, White, Pink, Peach
(Consist of Roses, Import Eucalyptus, Import Caspea)
Rp 155.000

Red Lucia Rose
(Consist of  Red Rose, Peacock)
Rp 195.000

Mix Alaine Rose 
(Consist of two color of Roses, Import Caspea)
Rp 195.000

Candance Rose
Available in Pink, White, Red, Peach 
(Consist of Rose, Import Baby Breath)
Rp 195.000

Single Lily
Available in Pink, Yellow, White
(Consist of Lily, Import Baby Breath,
Import Eucalyptus)
Rp 225.000

Mix Lucy Rose
(Consist of two color of  Roses,
Import Baby Breath, Import Eucalyptus)
Rp 265.000

Red Lucy Rose
(Consist of Red Roses,
Import Baby Breath, Import Caspea)
Rp 280.000

Pink Colin  
(Consist of Pink Rose, White Aster,
Import Baby Breath, Import Caspea)
Rp 285.000

Aurorae Lily Rose  
(Consist of White Lily, Pink rose, Pink Aster,
Import Baby Breath, Import Caspea, Pandorea)
Rp 285.000

Claira Red Rose Lily 
(Consist of White Lily, Red Rose,
Import Caspea, Import Eucalyptus)
Rp 325.000

Rose Galore  
Available in Red, White, Pink, Peach
(Consist of Roses, Import Eucalyptus Cineria, Thalspi)
Rp 345.000

Rustic Red Gallore 
(Consist of Red Roses, Pink Gompie
Import Baby Breath, Import Eucalyptus, Import
Caspea, Import Dried Wheat)
Rp 455.000